Health Topics from "U" to "Z"


Ulcer, cornealis a break, erosion, or open sore in the front layer of the eye.
Ulcer, Pepticis a small erosion in the gastrointestinal tract.
Unstable anginadescribes chest pain that is experienced increasingly often and/or with less and less exertion.
Urethritisinflammation or infection of the urethra (the tube through which urine travels from the bladder to the outside).
Uterine Bleeding, dysfunctionalBleeding that is not related to a woman's normal menstrual pattern and is not associated with tumor, inflammation, or pregnancy.
Uveitisis the inflammation of the uveal tract of the eye.
Uterine bleeding, postmenopausalUterine bleeding that occurs after the onset of full menopause.
Uterine prolapseA condition in which the uterus drops down into the vagina due to a weakening of supportive tissue.


Vaginitisis an inflammation of the vagina resulting from infectious organisms or irritants.
Vaginitis, trichomonalInfection or inflammation of the vagina caused by a parasite that lives in the lower genitourinary tract of males and females.
Vertigois a sensation of rotation in which an individual feels as if his or her surroundings are spinning or moving.
Vitiligoloss of skin pigmentation in patches.
VaginismusA spasm of the muscles around the vagina that makes penetration during sexual intercourse difficult and painful.
Valley feverIllness caused by breathing in a fungus in soil that becomes airborne. It occurs in the Southwest and southern California and typically causes fever, chest pain and coughing.
Varicose veins Abnormally dilated veins that appear to be swollen, blue and frequently contorted. They are seen most commonly in the superficial veins just under the skin, especially those found at the back of the calf and thigh.
VulvovaginitisInflammation of the external female genitals and the vagina.


Warts, viralbenign tumors caused by a virus in the outer skin layer.
Warts, venerealA raised growth on the surface of the genitals related to human papillomavirus (HPV) infection.
WhiplashAn injury to the cervical spine caused by an abrupt jerking motion of the head (as with a car accident).
Whooping coughA contagious and dangerous disease characterized by fever, dry cough, running nose and sneezing.
Wilms' tumorThe most common form of kidney cancer in children, comprising about 90 percent of childhood kidney cancers.

Drugs starting with V

Vardenafilis used to treat male sexual function problems.
Venlafaxineis used for the treatment of depressive illness and may be more effective for treating resistant depression than the SSRIs.