Health Topics beginning with "D"
- Dementia - Mental impairment caused by a variety of diseases that produce brain deterioration and loss of normal psychological functions.
- Dentoalveolar abscess - is a pus-filled sac in the tissue around the root of a tooth.
- Dependent Personality Disorder - is characterized by a pervasive pattern of dependent and submissive behavior.
- Depression - is an illness that makes you feel sad and miserable over a long period of time.
- Dermatitis - is the generic label referring to inflammations of the skin.
- Dermatitis, atopic - is a chronically relapsing skin disorder that begins most commonly during infancy, childhood, or adolescence.
- Dermatitis, contact - skin inflammation (especially of the hands, feet and groin) caused by contact with an irritating substance.
- Dermatomyositis - is a disorder in which there is chronic inflammation of skeletal muscle and weakness, often accompanied by skin inflammation.
- Diabetes insipidus - a rare disorder of the hormone system, centered in the pituitary gland. (This condition has nothing to do with blood sugar levels).
- Diabetes mellitus - is a condition in which the body is unable to keep the amount of sugar in the blood down to normal levels.
- Diabetes mellitus, non-insulin-dependent - is most prevalent among obese adults.
- Diabetic neuropathy - refers to changes in the nervous system seen in diabetes.
- Diarrhea and vomiting - is inflammation of the stomach and bowel.
- Diarrhea, infectious - refers to an inflammation of the stomach or intestine (especially the small intestine) that is due to an infectious organism.
- Diarrhea, Loose Stool - is an increase in the fluidity, frequency, and/or volume of bowel movements as compared to the usual pattern for a particular individual.
- Dilatation and curettage - is a method of taking a sample of the lining of the womb (endometrium) so it can be examined under a microscope.
- Diphtheria - is an acute infectious illness caused by a bacterium called corynebacterium diphtheriae.
- Diverticular disease - is the name given to a condition where small sacs or out-pouchings occur from the gut, usually the colon.
- Dyspepsia - vague chest or abdominal discomfort with no apparent organic cause that occurs during or soon after eating or drinking.
- Dehydration - Excess loss of water from the body.
- Dermatitis, seborrheic - A skin condition marked by loose, greasy or dry, white to yellowish scales.
- Disk, ruptured - A disc in the spine displaced from its normal position in between two vertebrae. Tissue within the disc ruptures and then the disc protrudes into the spinal canal, causing pain, numbness and/or weakness.
- Dislocation - An injury to a joint in which the ends of bones are forced from their normal positions, immobilizing the joint and often causing severe pain.
- Domestic violence - Any form of abuse that occurs in an intimate or family setting, including spousal abuse and child abuse.
- Down syndrome - A genetic disorder caused by a chromosomal defect typically characterized by slowed growth, abnormal facial features, mental retardation and other problems.
- Drowning - Death caused by immersion in water or other fluids, making it impossible to breathe.
- Drug abuse and addiction - The habitual misuse of a drug, such as the use of illegal drugs or the use of legal drugs for any purpose other than the prescribed intent.
- Dumping syndrome - A condition in which food or liquid passes too quickly from the stomach into the small intestines causing symptoms such as cramps, nausea and diarrhea.
- Dysentery, bacillary - A type of dysentery caused by the Shigella bacteria and is characterized by bloody diarrha. It may also cause high fever and dehydration.
- Dyshidrotic Eczema - A condition in which small blisters that cause intense itching develop on the hands and feet. In some cases, it appears to be seasonal.
- Dysmenorrhea - A type of pelvic pain that occurs only during the menstrual cycle.
- Dyspareunia - Pain that occurs during sexual intercourse, which may be due to infection, lack of estrogen (such as during menopause), hypersensitivity or other causes.
- Dysphagia - Pain or difficulty swallowing. It can be caused by a variety of conditions, which may be minor or serious.
- Dysthymia - A chronic form of mild depression, lasting at least two years, characterized by a perpetually gloomy mood.
Drugs listed by generic starting with D
- Danazol - is a synthetic derivative of ethisterone (a hormone).